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Feb 22, 20211 min read
Are you Notorious? The USTR updates its list of Notorious Markets
In its annual review of markets that engage in or facilitate counterfeiting and piracy, the US Trade Representative has named 39 online...

Feb 19, 20211 min read
USTR Notorious Markets List
In its annual review of markets that engage in or facilitate counterfeiting and piracy, the US Trade Representative has named 39 online...

Oct 4, 20203 min read
Don't lose your rights after Brexit
We first wrote about the impact of Brexit over a year ago back in a pre pandemic era. Although we still don't have a deal. The outcomes...

Oct 4, 20203 min read
Don't lose your rights after Brexit
We first wrote about the impact of Brexit over a year ago back in a pre pandemic era. Although we still don't have a deal. The outcomes...

Sep 29, 20202 min read
Trade marks in China
There has long been a recognition that Chinese trade mark law has been moving toward a more reliable and consistent process. This is...

Sep 20, 20205 min read
Online counterfeits - the Alibaba, Police and Brand perspective
Some luxury brands still choose to not operate an online presence. Whether this is sustainable in the long term is unclear. Regardless of...

Sep 8, 20203 min read
Can the Internet save Luxury?
The Luxury Law Summit took time to consider the big picture commercial and business model questions which will affect legal decision...

Sep 6, 20202 min read
The human cost of exclusion
The Luxury Law Summit looked at many business and legal issues but one of the great themes across the day was collaboration. Many...

Sep 6, 20202 min read
What does the Platform to Business Regulation mean for fashion?
The new Platform to Business Regulation (P2B regulation) applies across the EU from 12 July 2020. This Regulation is part of the EU's...

Sep 5, 20203 min read
Protecting your brand Apple style
Scott Gilen (Director of IP Enforcement Global at Apple) spoke at the Luxury Law Summit about how his team stops Apple fakes (both...

Sep 5, 20204 min read
Negotiating the new normal
Georgina McManus (Global GC at Manolo Blahnik) and Ashleigh Hegarty (GC and Privacy Officer at Charlotte Tilbury) spoke to Kate Wilkinson...

Sep 5, 20204 min read
The future of luxury in a post pandemic world - the Harrods take
Inevitably the pandemic took centre stage at the Luxury Law Summit (3 September 2020) but thankfully it was not the only issue in the...

Aug 22, 20202 min read
Smart fabrics in wearables and their protection with Intellectual Property rights
Here is another guest post from Marta Carmona (Master of Advocacy at the University of Málaga) Smart fabrics are textiles which include...

Aug 22, 20202 min read
How do you terminate a contract?
It is common for business priorities to change and relationships to improve or sour over time. At some point you will want to end a...

Jun 12, 20204 min read
Will wearable fashion revive retail?
Fashion and technology have long been on a collision course and, like so much, the pandemic has accelerated things in a dramatic and life...

Feb 5, 20202 min read
Cofemel & Cumulation
Should each object (whether it is a book or a pair of jeans) be only protectable by a single intellectual property right or is cumulative...

Dec 6, 20197 min read
You can't cruise from cars to clothing - luxury trade marks and brand extensions post Bentley
Bentley Clothing v Bentley Motors [2019] EWHC 2925 is a classic David v Goliath dispute. You have a small family owned business versus a...

Sep 4, 20192 min read
Louboutin - red soles and trade mark protection
The red sole on the base of Louboutin shoes has been the focus of both media and legal attention for many years. There has been extensive...

Mar 10, 20191 min read
European Fashion Law: The book is out!
We have had the launch parties and the book is officially OUT NOW! I've had such lovely feedback already. I hope you both enjoy it and...

Mar 1, 20192 min read
Brexit & IP - what you need to know
Brexit may be nearly upon us. If this happens after 29 March there are various short term consequences to registered rights in the UK and...
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