A jewel by any other name... passing off in the jewellery world
Have your say about the exhaustion of IP rights in the UK
What will Department Stores Look Like Post Pandemic?
Resell, resell, resell! Etsy buys Depop
Court of Appeal rules on liability and account of profits in trade mark case
Judge backs employees in trade secrets contract case
Assessing damages is never easy
MONOPOLY cannot last forever without regular use
No penalty clause in IP Settlement Agreement: royalty clawback & 6 figure lump sum payment permitted
EUIPO sees rise in trade mark filings in 2020 despite pandemic
Who owns copyright works that an employee creates at home?
Image protection in the UK and beyond
Domain names are personal property
A recent development for Position marks
Covid and the digital future for the fashion industry
Don't lose your rights after Brexit
Trade marks in China
A slippery design can't slide away from invalidation at EUIPO
Online counterfeits - the Alibaba, Police and Brand perspective
Can the Internet save Luxury?