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What's the story?


Here is a sneak preview of the various chapters and what they cover.


PART ONE introduces key fashion law concepts 


Chapter 1 What is fashion law? gives an overview of fashion law, looks at trending topics like sustainability, ethical fashion & fashion technology


Chapter 2 What is European law? eases you into European legal and political structures and processes. Fun! Don't know your European Parliament from your Court of Justice of the European Union? Fear not, this chapter has the answers


PART TWO introduces intellectual property rights 


Chapter 3 Trade marks and your brand - trade marks protect your brand. But what trade mark should you register and where? This chapter talks you through the different options and more


Chapter 4 Copyright and your creative works - in Europe, copyright can be used to protect clothing and accessories (in some circumstances). Find out how to get copyright protection in this chapter


Chapter 5 Image rights - discover the different types of image rights protection available for celebrities, models and the general public. Learn how to minimise the risk of an image rights claim 


Chapter 6 Designs - designs are the secret to a successful European rights strategy. You can gain a competitive advantage by understanding these important rights 


Chapter 7 Other important rights - some rights receive less attention from the fashion industry but are still important. Learn about everything from unfair competition and passing off to patents and trade secrets


PART THREE is about the practicalities of starting a new business 


Chapter 8 Before you incorporate your company - which legal structure is best for you and how are you going to fund your business? From equity splits and government incentives to crowd-funding, this chapter guides you through the basics. 


Chapter 9 Before you enter into your first contract - did you know that you can face a claim in France if you pull out of a deal? Europe's many legal systems are a contractual minefield. Read this chapter to find out how to navigate it. 


Chapter 10 Before you get anyone new involved - European employment law is notoriously complicated. Models, interns and social media are all hot topics but there are many basic principles to understand first.


Chapter 11 Before signing an agency or distribution agreement - agents and distributors enable brands to grow and to reach new markets around the world. Understand the difference and how much control you have over their activities. 


Chapter 12 Before you post anything online - the internet brings its fair share of problems. Learn how to "clear" intellectual property rights and how to use Google advertising? 


Chapter 13 Raiding the fashion archive - it's never too early to start an archive! It helps design future collections, prove the provenance and can be a secondary source of revenue. But watch out for orphan works...


Chapter 14 Before you collect any personal data - the GDPR is a global game-changer. Find out what it means for your business and how to successfully handle personal data.


Chapter 15 Before you sign a lease - whether a concession, pop up or a traditional store, this chapter looks at the different ways you can operate a physical presence 


Chapter 16 Before your first ad campaign - from clearing rights to data protection - European advertising law is complicated. Get to grips with the basics both in traditional campaigns and the use of social media influencers


Chapter 17 Before launching your e-commerce site - e-commerce is tightly regulated and extremely popular in Europe. Get to grips with the key issues you will face including information requirements and your obligations to accept returns. 


PART FOUR looks at scaling up to take your business global


Chapter 18 Franchising - find out about the different types of franchise and how joint ventures work. Learn about the pros and cons and find out about the current issues on the European Union’s agenda 


Chapter 19 Resolving disputes - this bumper chapter helps you understand how you get embroiled in and disentangle yourself from legal disputes in Europe


Chapter 20 If someone copies you - get the right strategy so that you can control your rights and clamp down on unauthorised copying quickly and simply. The practical side of enforcing intellectual property rights


Chapter 21 If you are sued - a practical insight into the steps that should be taken following the threat or issue of proceedings in Europe 


Chapter 22 Taxation and logistics - working with customs, avoiding tax scandals, understanding who takes responsibility for goods in transit and more


Chapter 23 Selling up - find out about the corporate sale process and the contractual terms and intellectual property fails that can derail a deal


Chapter 24 Combating counterfeits - you know you're a success when you find your first counterfeit but the joy is short lived. Stop criminal enterprises and competitors using the tips set out in this chapter. Worried about 3D printing? Find out the real risks of new technology


Chapter 25 Managing the supply chain - what is One Belt One Road and how will it affect you? Modern slavery, anti-bribery, sustainability, blockchain and fair trade - all hot topics which affect the modern fashion industry


Chapter 26 What’s next? - predicting the future is an inexact science. In addition to the inevitable crystal ball gazing about the impact of Brexit and data protection law, the book concludes with new technologies such as virtual reality and wearable technology

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© 2024 by Rosie Burbidge​

© 2018 in the cover image by Bernhard Deckert, photographer at of an ÏTTAG cosmos collection scarf


All content on this website is provided to help you learn more about the mystery and complexities of intellectual property law but it does not constitute legal advice. If you would like legal advice regarding any of the issues raised on this site, please contact Rosie: 


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